How to Find Funding for Your Startup

Essential Business Q&A: Expert Answers & Insights Startup Success Stories & Insights 06.02.2014  0 61 0
How to Find Funding for Your Startup

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We've previously discussed what a startup is. Now, let's delve into the topic of obtaining funding for this very startup.

To start your own business, you need a head for business and a good idea, along with ambition, energy, and a willingness to work hard. However, that's not enough. Often, even excellent ideas remain unrealized because there isn't enough money to materialize them. Money is necessary for everything: opening a business, renting a space, hiring employees. Taking a loan can land you in debt, and selling property could leave you homeless. Not a cheerful prospect.

On the other hand, if the desire to become an entrepreneur is strong, money can be raised through investors who are interested in potential profits. Many people seek promising opportunities to effectively invest their capital. There are even specialized venture funds that seek out innovative ideas and invest money in them. In return, they expect a high return on their investment in the business to compensate for their significant risk. The higher the capital profitability, the greater the risk. Two-thirds of all startups fail, but the remaining third recovers all losses and generates profits.

Is it worth turning to venture funds for help? Yes, it is. At least because a venture fund does not seek to own the company or interfere with its management; rather, it aims to invest funds and receive excess profits by later selling its share. Therefore, the interests of startups and venture funds align. Both categories desire the swift development of the business. This relationship system, which emerged in the mid-20th century in the United States, provided funding for those businessmen whose path to business was closed. This is how "Microsoft," "Intel," and others started.

Venture investment funds can expect to receive super profits – we're talking hundreds of percentages. However, this is only possible in the case of a successful startup. 90% of all enterprises end poorly. Therefore, the investment process in a startup takes a considerable amount of time: the idea is reviewed, justified, assessed for viability, and only then are the funds invested. This is normal because investors want to soberly evaluate their prospects.

Funds, in turn, acquire money from large organizations that seek higher returns than what is possible by investing in already established companies. The larger the company, the less potential for growth (in percentage terms). Investments made by venture funds occur at the early growth stage of the company, have a long-term nature, are not tied to the dynamics of the stock market, and represent high-risk investments.

In addition to funding, startups often get the opportunity to take advantageous bank loans, technical expertise, connections, and intellectual resources provided by venture funds. The problems encountered by developing enterprises are quite similar, so a venture fund is usually prepared for them. Given the business environment in the United States, the connections of venture funds are invaluable.

In the United States, venture funds show high activity in investing in significant projects where the investment amount exceeds one million dollars. Lately, there have been many failures among major startup enterprises. Perhaps the problem lies in the fact that the conditions for startup development in the United States are currently not favorable. There's a lack of specialized competitions and so-called "business incubators." The business environment in the United States presents numerous obstacles.

Currently, funds are more interested in the fields of information technology and advertising. Various IT solutions quickly gain support, while equipment manufacturing and research institutes are not popular. Projects with a well-thought-out business model, a clear development strategy, a cohesive team, etc., always have higher chances of receiving funding from the fund.

The primary reason for the breakdown of negotiations between startups and investors is the valuation of the business. Obviously, the fund wants to buy a share in the project as cheaply and on favorable terms as possible, while startups need as much funding as possible. When a mutually beneficial balance is achieved, resolving other issues becomes easier.

Smaller projects face the biggest challenges because their creators often have to rely solely on themselves. The environment conducive to startup development has not yet been created in the United States. Additionally, the state of the economy influences the funds' activity. Finding funding during periods of growth is much easier than during downturns.

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06.02.2014  0 61 0
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