Real Business for Real People!

Business Ideas & Inspiration Innovation & Technology 01.01.2014  21 216 0
Real Business for Real People!

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Introducing a Revolutionary Air Purification Idea

In this article, I aim to bring you a groundbreaking business idea about a niche with immense potential, comparable to the markets for personal computers and mobile phones in the past.

The market segment we are about to discuss remains largely untouched, with previous solutions being either local or incomplete.

The demand in this sector is enormous, with a vast number of consumers, and the value of these solutions cannot be underestimated. This discussion revolves around a problem directly related to people's lives and health.

What would a person give for an extra day of life? Probably anything...

Yet, few question why the average lifespan has significantly decreased compared to previous centuries. Why do people wish each other "Caucasian longevity" at gatherings? What causes diseases like cancer, tuberculosis, respiratory infections, viral illnesses, and more?

The problem lies in the fact that people have never considered the activity they engage in most. Breathing - it's the activity we do the most in our lives. I'm confident hardly anyone would dispute this axiom.

Each of us seeks nature, a seaside or mountain resort to improve our health, spending considerable resources on it. But what does it really give us? In essence, very little. Why? Because the modern human spends 90% of their time indoors (home, transport, office). What nature, health, and longevity can we talk about when 90% of our lives are spent inhaling dead, polluted air?

The Reality of Indoor Air Pollution

According to TheWallStreetJournal, our homes are filled with carpets, stagnant air, heating devices, mold, microbial toxins, dust mites, and a plethora of highly allergenic substances that we've sealed tightly inside. Marilyn Chase, TheWallStreetJournal, notes this concerning trend.

Tobacco smoke, unpleasant odors, toxins, furniture, wall paint, cleaning products, dust mites, pets, and more all contaminate the air in our living spaces. For a family spending around 90% of their time at home and in the office, these threats are very real. Modern energy-efficient technologies that trap old dirty air inside, preventing fresh air from entering, are a reality we cannot escape.

The World Health Organization already considers the problem of indoor air pollution a 21st-century catastrophe.

Even the most skeptical person would find it hard not to agree. Biophysicist and Stalin Prize laureate A.L. Chizhevsky researched the benefits of negative air ions for human breathing, attempting to address the issue of stale air with his "lightning," yet fell short. Modern medicine increasingly discusses the benefits of ozone, microdoses of which are constantly present in natural air.

Medical Doctor, Professor, State Prize winner, and active member of the Russian Academy of Sciences I.P. Neumyvakin, in his work "Hydrogen Peroxide Safeguarding Health," discusses the beneficial and healing properties of hydrogen peroxide vital for humans.

Requirements for the air ion composition, as outlined in the Soviet GOST standards and the SanPin of the Russian Federation, stipulate that enclosed spaces (homes, apartments, public buildings, offices, etc.) should contain a minimum of 600 negative ions per 1 cm^3 for the human body to function properly. I assure you, this requirement is far from being met. You can easily verify this yourself. We have all come to accept this and continue, unknowingly, to harm ourselves with each breath we take...

A Breakthrough Air Purification Solution

However, if things are as dire as described, someone must have devised effective solutions to address this problem. Having closely monitored the market for the past five years within this field, I have come across solutions offered which were either insufficiently effective or locally oriented. Recently, I met a pleasant individual (President of an American company) in a hotel in New York who had dedicated a significant part of his life to researching and developing technologies that could bring the air quality in our homes and offices as close to natural as possible. Previously working for high-tech companies in the U.S. specializing in environmental and ecological protection, he systematized all the advanced developments in this field. In early 2010, he made a breakthrough and created a new product. This device, weighing only 5.5 kg and no bigger than a speaker grille, embodies cutting-edge technologies. The air purification and regeneration system saturates the room with light air ions (vitamins for the air), making the air alive and resembling that of mountains and seas. It maintains this state 24 hours a day, just like nature does. Here's how it played out in practice:

We placed the device on the TV in the hotel room and turned it on. The President said, "Light up!" (it's no secret that American hotels are equipped with smoke detectors). I asked, "Won't there be a fire alarm?" He replied, "Let's see." My friend and I smoked a cigarette. The smoke vanished within seconds, the sensors stayed silent...

A few minutes after we finished smoking, the smell disappeared. The air became clean and fresh, akin to the Hudson River... "Super product!" I thought. Here's the answer to the existing problem!

Efficiency! That's what sets this product above all others.

In the CIS, Europe, and Asia, this equipment is not widely represented yet. This presents a business idea, a niche with vast potential... Endless opportunities for years, if not decades, to come. Every home, apartment, bedroom, children's room, office, hotel room, and more, requires this product.

Transitioning to Business

Now, let's delve into the business aspect. Here are the criteria typically used to assess any business idea:

- How essential is this product to people?
- What is the market potential?
- What is the competition in this market segment?
- How long can I generate income from this business?
- How much effort and resources do I need to invest?
- How quickly can I start making a profit, and how much can I earn in this business?

To get answers to these questions, reach out to us at

Twenty years ago, no one thought about purifying water. It doesn't take a prophet to foresee the same will happen with air... If I have managed to convey this business idea to you about the potential of this vast niche, then congratulations!

If you wish to introduce this exclusive product in your region or city, this is a new business opportunity for you!

We offer business partnerships to operate in the CIS, Europe, and Asia. Join us!

Article Author: Sergey Khishko

To become a partner or to learn more about this business, send us an email at

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01.01.2014  21 216 0
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