The Book Hostel
In the bustling city of Kyoto, Japan, a unique hostel has recently opened its doors. The Book and Bed Tokyo-Kyoto offers accommodations where beds are cleverly integrated into bookshelves. Situated near the iconic Kyoto theater "Samurai Kumbu" in the vibrant Gion district, this quirky and cozy hostel provides guests with a one-of-a-kind experience. Imagine snuggling up for the night in a cozy nook carved out of a bookshelf, complete with all the comforts for a restful sleep and immersive reading time.
Reading Lamp for Dark Rooms
To avoid disturbing your neighbor, spouse, or kids, try this ingenious lamp that can illuminate your reading material without blinding your loved ones. This lamp cleverly consists of a low-powered light that shines onto a transparent panel. Simply place this panel directly onto the pages of your book when reading in the dark. This nifty invention is highly sought after, especially by frequent travelers or those who find themselves reading only in the evenings. It's a game-changer for late-night readers!