Starting a Deer Farming Business

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What are the purposes for deer farming?
1) For meat.
A risky and complex venture, deer meat is quite unconventional in our region. There is no stable demand for it, with only a handful of restaurants serving dishes made from such products. Therefore, for success in this enterprise, significant investment in a savvy marketing campaign and popularizing deer meat in your region will be necessary. Selling deer meat to European markets is possible but will require finding reliable overseas partners. Additionally, to make this business profitable, a substantial herd size (starting from 100 animals) is essential. Apart from meat sales, additional profits can be earned by selling hides, antlers, and other byproducts.
2) For breeding.
Some farms specialize in raising deer for hunting. Adult deer are released into a specially enclosed area and serve as targets for enthusiasts of this form of entertainment. This is a fully legal business, as hunting is conducted following all regulations and does not impact the population of wild animals.
What is needed to start a deer farming business?
1) Land plot.
To accommodate the animals, a pen of at least 40 hectares is required for a small herd of up to 30 deer. The larger the herd, the bigger the plot needed. Utilizing non-agricultural land for the pen can lead to significant rental cost savings.
2) Equipment for farm buildings, slaughter, animal care, etc., as well as fencing of the plot. Renting a 50-hectare plot and constructing the facilities will cost around $100,000.
3) Purchase of animals.
Another significant expense is acquiring the herd. On average, a breeding deer costs between $1000-1500. For minimum profitability, purchasing at least 30 animals is required. Transport costs must also be considered, as deer breeding farms are few and located in remote regions.
4) Staff recruitment.
Deer are low-maintenance animals. To manage a herd of 50, 2-3 employees are usually sufficient. However, animal caretakers are scarce in our region, resulting in higher labor costs. Ideally, being able to care for the animals yourself can significantly reduce the wage bill.
5) Expenses for feed and veterinary care for deer.
On average, an annual expense of around $200-300 per deer is needed for their upkeep.
Benefits of Deer Farming
Initial investments in establishing such a business are substantial. Nevertheless, the returns can be rewarding. For instance, if breeding deer for slaughter, after 2 years, one adult deer can yield around 80 kg of lean meat. Additionally, when catering to European markets, secondary products like antlers, bones, and hides are highly sought after. The price per kilogram of deer meat varies based on the animal's breed. On average, the profit from one deer can range from $100 (often much higher).
Alternatively, if breeding deer for sale or hunting, the profitability is even greater. Within the first year, approximately 35 deer can be sold (with an initial herd of 50-60) at prices ranging from $1000-1500 each. It is advisable to gradually increase the herd size after the first year to consistently boost profits (deer adapt well to the provided territory).
Regardless, deer farming is a typical agricultural business, entailing industry-specific risks such as diseases and adverse weather conditions. Yet, with a strategic approach, it has the potential to become a highly profitable enterprise with a product in stable demand.
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