Organizing Adventure Games
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The Rise of Quest Games in European Entertainment Industry
In recent times, society has reconsidered its views on traditional entertainment and holiday activities. Instead of typical gatherings, guests are increasingly invited to participate in organized quest games. These are adventure games held outdoors or indoors, with the main goal being to complete tasks set at the beginning of the game.
Quest game organization is part of the event industry. Anyone or a team of people interested in testing their skills in organizing active leisure activities can engage in this. Marketers note an unprecedented growth in this field as the demand for live quest games services rapidly increases.
Computer games in the quest style have long been popular among online gaming enthusiasts. There are numerous diverse quests, with popular ones including Amerzone, Death Gate, Culpa Innata, and others. It is possible to make money from games – as proven by the famous duo Alexey and Afanasiy Ushnitsky from Yakutia.
Quests come in various types:
- Car-based quests;
- Pedestrian quests;
- Logical quests (using deduction methods);
- Sporting or extreme quests.
The primary target audience for active leisure activities is young adults aged 20-35. Developing games for children is also a separate direction. One of the key goals in organizing quests for adults is to provide comfortable conditions and a well-thought-out program. As for children, they are likely to be interested in adventures and participating in team competitions.
In major cities, this type of business faces significant competition. Therefore, smaller regional centers are considered the most promising locations for its development.
Getting Started
Embarking on this business venture does not require significant financial investment initially. Therefore, at the outset, it is possible to manage without hiring staff and prepare everything independently. Creativity and a thorough knowledge of the prospective game location are essential. Organizing quests is a type of business that can easily attract investments.
You may also need assistance from someone who will lead the event. The requirements for this person include:
- Excellent public speaking skills;
- The ability to explain the game's objectives clearly;
- A sense of adventure and love for quests.
It is necessary to establish communication methods between participants and game organizers in advance. This can include traditional messages in envelopes or SMS messages. Initially, these two methods may suffice, but it is advisable to consider automating the communication process in the future.
Organizing business operations will be significantly simplified by partnering with companies like DozoR and Encounter. To work with these globally recognized quest brands, you need to pay for registering a domain name (a domain is the website address).
Through such partnerships, entrepreneurs receive a ready-made online platform and access to an automated software system. Experienced business leaders may also provide valuable advice on managing and organizing quests. Franchisees pay the organizer 5 to 10% of the total cost for the games conducted.
Franchising is suitable for individuals without business management experience who require step-by-step guidance. Additionally, it is cost-effective. Building a website independently, even using a template, followed by software system development, will be much more expensive.
Managing Players
Players can be roughly categorized into groups:
- Corporate clients;
- Students;
- Children and teenagers;
- Women.
Corporate clients usually are charged higher rates. Building a good reputation in this segment increases the chances of retaining such clients. Other groups can also be profitable.
Offering discounts to students will guarantee a stable influx of clients. Moreover, students often come in large groups, reducing the need to organize them into teams. Working with children and women requires careful task planning and ensuring safety above all.
Consider the skill level of participants. While initially, everyone may start at the same level, it is important to create different game conditions for beginners and professionals in the long run.
Diversifying the Quests
Enhancing quests can include:
- Organizing quests with guided tours;
- Simultaneously renting out tourism equipment;
- Developing ecotourism.
To make advertising campaigns more beneficial, consider the interests of the target audience. Distribute flyers and offer them to students. Do not overlook organizations where young and socially active people are employed. Regular free games are an excellent promotion strategy.
Offer discounts to repeat customers and incentives to the winning team as effective advertising methods. Additionally, reward individuals involved in developing and writing scripts.
Ensure safety measures are in place or arrange insurance for quest participants. If the game is purely intellectual, insurance may not be necessary. In conclusion, organizing quests can yield 40-60% profit with minimal investments. Success awaits those eager to approach game organization with enthusiasm and creativity.
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