Thriving Farm: Producing Goat Milk and its Products
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Recent years have seen a global trend towards leading a healthy lifestyle, which involves not only exercising but also consuming balanced, eco-friendly, and nutritious food. More and more people are embracing the science of healthy eating, paying attention to both the taste and nutritional properties of products. Previously, we discussed rabbit breeding, whose meat holds a significant range of nutritional properties. In this article, let's delve into goat farming for milk, which is gaining increasing popularity along with its processed products.
According to scientists' research, goat milk possesses a much broader range of nutritional properties than cow's milk, and the characteristic "goaty smell," which many people disliked in the past, can now be eliminated through processing without depriving the product of its nutritional value.
Advantages of Goat Farming for Milk Production
- Higher cost of goat milk compared to cow milk;
- Investments in this venture can be recouped in a much shorter period than raising cattle. However, it is essential to remember that the minimum duration is 5-6 years, and expecting significant profits in the initial months is unrealistic.
- Less competition, as currently only 2,500 tons of goat milk are produced annually in the country, while the demand for it and its processed products is rapidly increasing.
- Goats are smaller in size, adaptable to various conditions (including climates), very calm animals with a friendly disposition. A goat can produce between 700 to 1200 liters per year under favorable conditions and proper nutrition.
Which Goat Breed to Choose?
Zaanen Breed
The most popular breed today. Originating from Switzerland, with the largest population observed in Europe. In Russia, purebred goats of this breed can be obtained from several places. The largest farm is Lukoz, located near Yoshkar-Ola.
Zaanen goats have numerous advantages – very high yields (a record of 2200 liters per year for a single Zaanen goat), high fertility, polled (lack of large horns), and quality milk.
Toggenburg Breed
Brown goats, smaller in size than Zaanen, but equally productive. These animals are friendly and easily acclimate, but finding this breed in Russia is even more challenging than Zaanen.
Gorky Breed
Originating in Russia and considered the best among Russian breeds. An adult individual can weigh up to 50 kilograms, and milk production per goat can reach up to 500 liters per year (slightly less than Zaanen and Toggenburg goats are capable of). These goats are easy to feed and have high fertility.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Goat
- Fur. In a healthy goat, the fur is silky and uniform, not matted.
- Skin. It should be firm and thin.
- Udder. The most crucial aspect to consider; it should be voluminous, pear-shaped, elastic, without any extra hardenings. Note: the udder should not be divided into two parts, sag, or have short teats.
- Teeth. In a goat entering the productive age, milk teeth start to be replaced by permanent ones, and the first pair of strong permanent incisors appears.
- Behavior. A healthy goat should be energetic, friendly, and have a lively temperament.
Recommendations for Choosing a Goat
- It's better to choose goats of the same breed.
- Significant attention should be paid to selecting the breeding buck. One male is sufficient for 50 females. It should be robust and strong. It's advisable to acquire the buck at 1.5 years old and replace the breeder every 6-7 years for a small farm and every 3-5 years for a large farm (with 120 heads or more).
Goat Feeding
The goat's diet must be balanced and include all necessary elements as the quality of the milk it produces directly depends on it.
Summer Period
During warm months, goats feed on pasture grass. On average, one animal consumes 8 kg of grass per day, but this is insufficient for high milk production, so they need to be supplemented with concentrates – oats, corn, barley, peas, lentils. Concentrates should be given in ground form (ready-made compound feed can be purchased) at a rate of 0.5 kg per day per goat. Towards the end of the summer (August-September), when the pasture grass becomes less nutritious, it's essential to add not only grains but also vegetables like carrots, cabbage, and beets to the goat's ration.
Winter Period
The primary feed for goats in cold seasons is hay, which is nutritious and beneficial for the animals. An adult goat requires 2 kg of hay per day. Winter goat diet supplements can include leaves, shoots of fir trees, vegetables, fruits, silage, and compound feed.
Throughout the year, goats must be provided with salt, chalk, and bone meal to ensure they receive essential minerals and trace elements. Goats should be fed three times a day at specific times.
Equipment and Facilities for a Goat Farm:
- Shelter for winter housing of goats with compartments for newborn kids, bucks, and young animals.
- Space for storing feed and hay.
- Milking equipment (for small farms up to 400 heads, manual is suitable, for larger farms above 400 heads, automatic is preferable).
- Equipment for milk filtration, pasteurization, and cooling.
- Area and containers for primary milk storage.
- Space and equipment for cheese and cottage cheese production (if opting to venture into this field).
It is essential to maintain cleanliness in all areas and containers, regulate temperature and humidity, provide electricity, and water facilities.
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