Business on Colored Gravel: How to Set Up a Profitable Production
Colored gravel is a material consisting of small, naturally occurring stones that are tinted through a specialized coloring process. Unlike regular gravel, which is primarily used in construction mixtures, colored gravel is popular for landscaping and decorative finishes, both indoors and outdoors.
Growing Oats for Business
The common belief that oats are mainly a feed crop is nothing more than a stereotype. While it's true that oats are used to feed horses and some other agricultural animals, the primary application of this grain crop is in the food industry. Interestingly, over time, the demand for oats not only has not decreased but continues to grow steadily. Oats are used to make nutritious cereal breakfasts, their flour is used in the production of pastries and bakery products, and recently, even exotic products like oat milk are becoming popular.